
Pine Martens

Pine Martens

We are very fortunate to have Pine Martens which come onto the site. Guests can entice them on to the decking of the lodges with sultanas, nuts and peanut butter. Many wildlife photographers return to the park year after year to see these rare creatures.

Red Squirrels

Red Squirrels

We have lots of red squirrels in the trees around the park.Several of the lodges have squirrel boxes where you can watch the squirrels lifting the lids to get the nuts. They also feed on the bird feeders around the park.



Roe Deer can sometimes be spotted, early in the morning in the woods, and occasionally in the fields



Visit the Reindeer centre at Glenmore for an opportunity to meet and learn about the only reindeer herd in Scotland.

Mountain Hare

Mountain Hare



Many varieties can be seen from your lodge and in the forest and lochs close by.

A few examples.

Birds Birds